about us
Our projects
Well Field Project – Tuesdays
The Well Field project is our new day service that runs on Tuesdays 10 – 4pm.
The aim of this project is for our clients to build independence and learn important life skills from a care farm setting as well as being supported by our staff out within the local community which supports topics covered within the project.
Examples are healthy living, food preparation and cooking, self care, budgeting and independent travel training etc.
Please get in contact to receive further information or reserve a place on the new project.
Become a Farm Hand at Greave House Farm!
As a community care farm we offer day services delivering social and therapeutic horticulture, animal care and other meaningful work activities for adults in the community with Autism, Aspergers and learning disabilities, who may also have physical and/or mental health support needs.
We aim to provide new skills via fun activities which help to promote independence and improve individual's physical and mental health. Our Care Farm, is a supportive, fun and welcoming place to work, make new friends and enjoy being in the countryside.
We currently have space for new Farm Hands to join us on Wednesdays 10 - 4pm.
There is a daily charge payable from your direct payment.
Volunteering Opportunities
We run community volunteering sessions on Thursdays throughout the year 10am – 4pm. (weather permitted)
We are a friendly, sociable group who come together to work on jobs that support the day to day running of the care farm. Jobs include gardening on both our market garden and food forest, land management and maintenance of fencing, walls and machinery.
We are also recruiting regular volunteers to work with our staff and Farm Hands on Wednesday’s.
If this is of interest please contact us via email for a volunteer application pack.
Greave House Farm Trust is a care farm providing therapeutic meaningful work activities for vulnerable people with learning disabilities and / or mental health problems. Our "Farm Hands" grow fruit and vegetables as well as carry out gardening and land maintenance. Some time is spent looking after chickens and raising animals.

Our Aims
The farm aims to provide a warm welcome, a sense of community and belonging, and to nurture a sense of well-being and self esteem within which people can achieve their personal goals. Research has shown that by enjoying activities such as growing food, looking after animals and learning creative crafts we begin to feel good about ourselves and those around us.
Our Values
“Greave House Farm Trust is a welcoming place where everyone can grow”

Emily Davis